[P3D] pbrt-v4

Published on January 6, 2021


This is a custom version of the early release of pbrt-v4 for the PrISE-3D project, the rendering system fourth edition of Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation.

How to use ?

Build the project

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

Custom version [Parameters]

Current version is an extension of pbrt-v4 with use of some specific needs required during thesis:

Extended command line parameter:

  • --folder: {string} – output folder of current rendered scene ;
  • --nimages: {unsigned} – number of independent images of spp samples to generate ;
  • --independent: {bool} – save or not in an independant way (default 1, hence true) ;
  • --startindex: {unsigned} – start output index of first generated image for new run ;
  • --estimator: {string} – Expected estimator as output [“mean”, “mon”, “pakmon”, “mean_or_mon”] using src/pbrt/estimators.h Estimator factory.

Note: current version enable the use MoN (Median of meaNs) estimator as output:

  • nbuffers: set the number of buffers (M-estimators) to use. It is a constant value in order to work on GPU. Value can be update and available at the top of the src/pbrt/estimators.h file (default 11). You need to compile again the pbrt version. A value of 1, is equivalent to classical mean estimator ;
  • PakMoN: is also enable on GPU using the nbuffers parameter value.


  • --independent: {bool} – adapt to GPU ;

Custom version [Features]

Stereoscopic and AutoStereoscopic cameras

Stereocopic camera example into .pbrt file:

Camera "stereoscopic" "float fov" 50
        "string view" "right" 
#        "string view" "left" 
       "float eyeDistance" [0.065]  

Note: it is necessary to generate the right and left images separately.

AutoStereocopic camera example into .pbrt file:

Camera "autostereoscopic" "float fov" 50
       "integer view" [7]
       "integer nbView" [8]
       "float eyeDistance" [0.065]

Note: only one view can be generated each time. The calculated view is based on the desired number of views but also on the distance fixed at eye level.


rgbcat2 in an executable (available in build folder) in order to merge left and right images obtained from Stereoscopic camera.


./rgbcat2 <image-left.png> <image-right.png> <output-image.png>